Thursday, August 14, 2008

Building Muscle is Very Important For Weight Loss

When most of us think about building muscle we do not correlate with weight loss. Instead we have vivid pictures of huge steroid induced muscle heads that look like they are strong enough to bend a car in half yet not flexible enough to lift their arms over their heads.

The truth is in order to lose weight we need to build muscle. Muscle requires energy in order to move and function on a daily basis. The more muscle that you have the more energy your body will need. Unfortunately it is biologically impossible to add more muscle cells to your body. You are given a certain number of muscle cells and that is it.

Since you are only given a certain amount you can see the importance of making sure you keep the ones you do have and make them stronger and healthier. Building muscle is not the means by adding muscle cells, which I have already stated is impossible to do, but is the process of adding muscle volume.

The process of adding muscle volume is the means by which we make our muscle cells larger. Now before you freak out and picture yourself to be some huge bodybuilder, without other factors such as steroids or high levels of testosterone your muscle cells will get larger but only up to a certain point. Ladies do not panic you are not going to look like a guy, as women will tone up with quality muscle definition as opposed to packing on size which is what men do.

Since muscle requires large amounts of energy in order to function, it goes without saying that larger muscle cells will require even more energy. So the goal is to create a more "volumized" muscle cell. Ok I made that word up, but you get the point.

You can easily do this by implementing a quality nutrition plan where you eat six meals each day or about one meal every two and half to three hours with each meal consisting of equal portions of protein, carbohydrates and green vegetables. Your intake of protein should be one to one and half grams of protein per pound of lean body mass. This will ensure that your muscles will receive the adequate protein it needs to rebuild after your workouts.

Your workouts should consist of cardiovascular activity of no more than 20 minutes per session three days per week on the days that you are not using weights. Your cardio should be short but extremely vigorous.

Your weight routine should be every other day and last about thirty-five to forty-five minutes with every muscle group being hit with one exercise of eight to twelve reps and one to three sets.

That is basically it. Continuing to follow this process and you will easily shed those unwanted pounds, increase your muscle volume and become a healthier new you in no time.

Just remember you should get a complete physical from your family physician prior to beginning any type of fitness or nutrition program.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

How to Get Ripped Fast

This is definitely something everyone is asking about, "how to get ripped fast".

If everyone knew the right way to getting ripped fast then we would all be walking around with great muscles to show off! But many go about getting ripped the wrong way.

It's all about the correct weight training, right nutrition and aerobic exercise. So do you want to get ripped by this summer? Then follow these steps.

Who are you?

First you have to see where you are at, and you can only fit in one of these two categories: Skinny Guy or Big Guy. You are either the skinny and need to build muscle mass or you are the big guy with no muscles.

If you are the big guy then you need to start a fat loss diet. On the other hand the skinny guy needs to add muscle mass. Don't try to do both at the same time; you have to take it one step at a time if you are seriously interested in getting ripped fast.

Weight Training for the Skinny Guy

This is what you have to focus on:

- Have a workout that is 45 minutes or less
- Do compound exercise
- Increase the amount of weight you life every 2 weeks
- Only do 1-2 reps of each exercise
- Focus on training one body part per day, arms, chest, back, legs etc.

Weight Training for the Big Guy

- Train for about an hour
- Focus on isolated exercises
- No need to add weight, keep using the amount of weight you are use to lifting
- Focus more on each muscle group and divide your body part workouts over the week.

Nutrition for the Skinny Guy

- Eat 15 times your body weight in calories for fast ripped muscles
- Take at least 2 grams of protein for each pound you weigh
- Start using nutrition drinks
- Eat big breakfast
- Eat good whole foods and fats (oatmeal, bread, potatoes, rice etc)

Nutrition for the Big Guy

- Eat 10 times your body weight in calories to stat shedding of the pounds
- Take at least 1 gram of protein for each pound of lean muscle you have.
- Only eat healthy fats such as peanut butter, avocado, flax oil etc.
- During your workout drink liquid carbohydrates
- The only carbs you should be eating should be from vegetables and fruits

And to finish, skinny guys should avoid cardio as much possible, you only need to do cardio workouts 2-3 times a week for just 20 minutes. Also never workout on an empty stomach, this is a killer. Many guys just workout without eating properly beforehand and notice no muscle gain.

Big guys, cardio workouts are a must, do your cardio after you lift weights. Mix up your cardio workouts intervals as well. And in this case, since you want to lose fat it is ok to do cardio on an empty stomach, but don't starve yourself! Use protein drink moderately to avoid muscle loss.

Now you know how to get ripped fast, so go and start getting ripped!