How many calories are you burning every day right now? A good way to find out is to keep a food diary and write down all of the foods that you normally consume on a daily basis. This will let you know how many calories that you are taking in and what you need to eliminate in order to keep your caloric intake at a more reasonable amount. Truth be told, most of us are not abiding by the food pyramid. After you have done that for a few days, write down the amount of physical activity that you do on a daily basis. Walking or running can burn up to an extra 400-700 calories per day depending on how much or how little you do. You also need to make sure that you are drinking lots of water.
Next, we will begin with the fact that you are going to need to burn at least 500 calories per day in order to shed a pound of fat a week. One way to burn at least 500 calories every day is to drink nothing but ice cold water. The colder the water, the more your body has to work to warm it up, therefore increasing your metabolism and helping you to burn an extra 500 calories per day. Once you have combined this with eliminating some of the extra fatty foods in your diet, you will be well on your way to less belly fat.
You are also going to need to understand the importance of exercise when losing belly fat. Exercise is an essential part of being successful at losing weight. You cannot get too far without bouncing back if you do not exercise. Try doing some form of cardiovascular exercise such as walking, running, or cycling at least for 30 to 45 minutes, 3 times a week. This will help to speed up your metabolism. When your metabolism is high, your body automatically burns more calories, leading to pounds of weight loss over time. Do not forget to add some weight resistance to your workout regimen. Adding weight resistance will allow you to burn more calories while you are resting. Implementing exercises that use more than one joint of the body are the best for this type of training. These kinds of exercises include but are not limited to: Mountain climbing, squats, pushpress, and deadlifts.
Exercising alone is great, but can only be partially beneficial if not combined with a healthy diet. You have to make sure that you are feeding your basic nutritional requirements for weight loss for it become completely effective. To reach your highest potential of weight loss, you will need to eliminate sugar from your diet. Eating sugar while you are trying to lose weight can hold onto fat, even while a person is working out and doing everything else correctly. The extra pounds that sugar holds onto are often called "stubborn pounds". Those are usually the last 5 to 15 pounds that just won't budge, no matter what you do. By getting rid of sugar, you will get rid of those last few pounds and maintain your weight loss. Oftentimes, you can use a meal replacement or drink a protein shake before workout sessions to help improve the quality of your workouts. You may also choose to consume these whenever you would like in order to ensure that you are getting what you need so that you can lose more weight.
So remember, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Anyone who expects to lose weight needs to follow a plan. They need to ask themselves, "how much weight do I need to lose?", and “what can I do in order to burn the amount of calories necessary for my weight loss?". Planning your meals ahead of time can also help. It is time to get serious about losing weight and stop talking about it. Try keeping a list of what you want to eat for each day, including lots of protein and fiber at every meal. If you choose exercise, healthier foods, and a lot of water to go into your weight loss plan, then you have got all the ingredients for successful weight loss.