Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Can You Have That Beach Body You Have Always Wanted?

Is there a way you can get washboard abs, a healthy body and be fit for life? Yes. But it takes dedication and hard work. There is a lot to consider when planning on getting into shape. First, what is your body type? Do you lose weight fats but not build muscle, or does it take months to shave even one pound? Second, time, how much time are you willing to spend at the gym or exercising in order to achieve your goals? What kind of results are you expecting? If you're planning on losing 30 pounds this week and only go to the gym twice you're setting yourself up for a large disappointment. Third, diet, I don't mean go on a diet, or drastically change your diet, or sign up for some crazy Slim Fast plan, but there are some special considerations you should take into account when planning on getting healthy. By the end of this article you're going to learn the effective way to apply all of these variables to help you achieve your goals.

1. Body type. What are you? If you find it hard to lose weight and slim down, running miles and miles on the treadmill is not for you. I would recommend strength training. It's best for your body type. If you can spend some time learning the proper technique, the last thing you want to do is lift weights improperly. For a good idea of a weight program. I would recommend spending about an hour in the gym working your full body for a few weeks and then when it's in better condition, start to isolate muscle groups, I feel chest-back, arms-shoulders, and legs core. If you're the person who never gains weight but you're looking to build some muscle mass, stop all cardio! Switch to weight training as well. Along with an increase in calorie intake.

2. Time. Don't waste it. If you've committed yourself to an hour at the gym, don't spend your time talking to the girls or planning what to do next. Go with a plan, with an itinerary of the exercises you're going to do. Don't waste too much time resting between sets, 60 seconds to 90 seconds is all you need to build real strength, 2 minutes if you're just trying to bulk up. Also plan your time at the gym, when you're going, get in the mindset of going, get excited about the gym! It should be fun.

3. Diet. What should your diet look like? If it consists of Big Macs and curly fries, you're making a mistake. The ideal diet is one full of meals you cook for yourself every day, with a portion of protein, carbs(veggies), and fatty foods. I would recommend Chicken or fish. They both have low calories and the ability to fill you up. An example of a good meal is: 8 oz of salmon (high in omega 3 fatty acids) 5 oz of broccoli, you can top the salmon with an Asian nut blend for some health fat.

In conclusion, the road to life is filled with ups and downs, after about a month of consistency you'll have results, but you may hit a wall, just keep working, follow your plan, and don't lose heart, results will come with time. People don't get their perfect body overnight. It takes hard work and persistence. Learn what is best for your body and keep at that. With all the different trend diets out there don't get caught up in tricks or promotional diets.

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